Intercessory Directory

CitiServe maintains a list of seasoned and budding intercessors in our area. These people are a huge asset that typically stays within the walls of just one congregation. This directory gives those called to intercession a database to connect with others who devote their time and prayer energy to the community they live in. We encourage them to get together 3-4 times a year for relationships and sharing prayer insights.

Intercessory Prayer

Do you have a special project, congregational need, personnel position to fill, etc? We know intercessors who will devote themselves to daily prayer for you for a specified period of time (2, 4, 6 weeks). There’s no cost and the fruit can be amazing!

Leadership Prayer Summit

Once a year local area pastors and leaders getaway to Cannon Beach, Oregon to pray together and build significant relationships with each other. The collaborative effort that you see evidenced in the city at the present time, was birthed out of these yearly prayer gatherings.